Sushmita Banerji 1954—2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A little story told by Nirmala to her daughter Shruti...

I have to tell you a story, may be I have told it to you before.

When I finally decided to leave Rajasthan to go The Netherlands and was struggling, not knowing how the hell I am going to pay for your tickets as the scholarship was only for me.

I do not ask for help easily, you know that. My friends knew me too well, so on the last day, at the railway station in Jaipur, Sushmita handed me a book with an envelope, looked like letters and photographs.  She said I am not to open this until I reached Kerala. I was going to say good bye to Muthi and Muthacha and take you to do the Koothu prayer before taking you with me.

I was gong to sell the few bits and pieces of gold I had to get the money for the ticket and book our tickets for Netherlands from Kerala.

I arrived and actually forgot the packet. And was organizing my last packing sessions when I remembered the packet, thinking it was letters and photos, I opened it. And was stunned beyond words. There was Rs.5000 in it. Exactly the amount I needed for your ticket.  I don't know how she knew this. She never really expressed much, always had the big smile, never complained, but her love was expressed through sensitive gestures like the one I narrated.

I am privileged to have known Sushmita, she adored you, and you spent a lot of time playing in their beautiful home. She just lived doing her things quietly. I feel a great loss, sad that I never managed to meet her after I left Rajsthan.


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